by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Stray finds company during Chennai Floods

One of the most moving scenes I had seen during Chennai Floods was this image.  A public service driver, though not in uniform, was taking the load off his heels, on the sidewalk.  A local stray dog, a real friendly one though, moped around, and preferred his company,

A couple of minutes later, while I passed once again, I found that stray dog resting his muzzle on the public driver’s lap, and very content – both of them.

It just made my day.  Think about it.  Someone feels tired, sits down on the pavement, and a stray comes down to plop down along him.  And then, because it is wet (or not thoroughly dry) everywhere, he decides to rest his muzzle on the guy’s lap.  And both are comfortable.

I guess all is well with the world, in spite of Global Warming, COP21, ISIS, the Tea Master at the helm of India, and what not.  There sure is a lot of goodness in people – perhaps it is the season, but what the heck, it just lifts your heart – beating or not.

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