by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Web controlled guns are illegal - for shooting pigs, not Pakis

Last summer was this post Use co-eds to fight infiltration where I suggested to use the co-eds and their (boy) friends to keep watch on the Indo-Pak border, using the Internet, webcam and guns.

The idea was that since these boys and girls have caught the habit of staring at screens and playing online, violent, multi-player, role-playing  Games, they wouldn’t find anything funny or tiring about keeping watch on the border through webcams.

On spotting movement, these guys are well capable of alerting each other and if necessary, a control room within seconds - not even a NORAD response could be as fast - next time just watch their thumbs and the immediate replies.

The suggestion was to release pre-positioned automatic guns to these guys on such alerts, so that they can continue with their role playing - only this time sitting in the safety of their homes or game parlours and making grief for the Pakis.  Admittedly it was a take off on Ender’s Game, but what the Hell!  It was a sound idea!

As it would happen, no idiot in the Indian Military or Defence Ministry took note;  Not surprising since their ‘moolah-sensors’ wouldn’t start buzzing unless the Americans or Israelis develop a such a system, name it Orion (the Hunter) or Diana (the Huntress), put a price tag like $ 2mn (Rs. 10 Crores) and sell it to us.  Damn the useless buggers and their moolah-sensors.

Anyway, that was last summer (in May), and later in the year an American utility contractor actually stumbled upon web controlled guns in southern Georgia, designed by a farmer to kill wild hogs - pigs.  The American authorities have stated that such devices/systems are illegal, but I doubt whether they would bother if we start killing Paki-pigs trying to infiltrate the Indian border.

The Department of Homeland Security had been alerted and the news has broken out this week.  Want to Bet whether Orion/Diana is going to be offer when the next US President visits India?


My Mischievous Half murmurs, ‘Did the farmer read my post or is he actually a mad-Georgian a la mad.madrasi?’

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