by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Oh Democracy, I cry for you!

Two weeks back, I was ROFLMAO with this and had a horrible week.  With this week not so hilarious, I thought that my luck had changed. But doesn’t seem like it.  My mom went to the terrace at about 1500 IST, today, to collect the drying clothes (yup, we Indians do still use the Sun to dry clothes) and collapsed.

Luckily, she got away with a slight bruise on her lips and a mild sprain ( I hope so) on her left arm near wrist.

And she never told me till 1930 hours when she asked for a ‘Paracetemol’ in case she develops a fever (due to shock) – after all, she is almost 75 years old.

To get back to subject, I was totally astounded when Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President said something like that the 9/11 attacks were US government originated for their ‘own’ purposes.

I was totally astounded to learn that only 2 representatives (US and Israel) who walked out on hearing that!.  Of the three thousand or so more souls who lost their lives, after the US (2669) & the UK  (67), Indian lives were the highest at 47.  Shouldn’t the United Kingdom and India have walked out as well?

To yap that atrocity within a stone’s throw of Ground Zero, is the height of all permissiveness, the permissiveness of democracy in essence, - and the Iranian President abused that democratic permissiveness.

And rightly, I did perform my two bits worth – drop a couple of tears – not in frustration or grief, but beseeching the righteous, against some people’s hatred, in regret, that people can be so stupid, blinded by their prejudices, even today.

Rightly, the US President Obama has condemned it.  Shouldn’t we, the Indians, have done so?  To put it into perspective, the anti-US/Indian nationalities, essentially anti-democratic forces, have been given all the opportunity to harangue, criticize, condemn or falsify the democratic forces, right in our own lands.

Like what the Iranian President has done or what the Pakistan Ambassador attempted in US, or what the Pakistan Foreign Office Spokesman had to say.

Resting my own personal problems, my Wicked Half Whispers -
I rest my case as to who Kashmir belongs.

My Wicked Half, in case I haven’t told you, is even more ‘off-the-conventional’ than me!  So there!

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