by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Two Santa Claus flying this X'mas

For the past few years NORAD and Google had tied up during Christmas to present a little browser application, supposedly tracking Santa Claus as he flew around the World, delivering presents.

This year history came to a halt and not because of the Mayan Calendar.  NORAD split up with Google and tied up with Microsoft’s Bing to host their map tracking Santa Claus.

Not to be left behind, Google launched their own Santa Claus tracker.  Both are good, but Google has done something better with their version.  There are social media updates from Santa, flash games to play from the Santa Dashboard and also within the Santa Village itself.

But that is not the point of this article.  When you look at both the NORAD Bing Santa Claus tracker and Google Santa Claus tracker, what strikes most is where they place him at a given time.

When I used them a couple of minutes back, NORAD/Bing put him at Texas, en-route from Dallas to Houston.  While Google tracked him above California, en-route from San Francisco to Morgan Hill.


Now even for a mythical, mystical person that is too far fetched.  Wish they had agreed on some sort of co-ordination.  I don’t mean that they should both place Santa Claus at the same exact spot, that would be asking for too much, even on X'mas day.

But would it have been too radical to have them place Santa Claus either in Texas or California at the same time?  All it would call for is a small program which averages out the position of Santa Claus based on both co-ordinates. 

Agreed it may end up in fiasco with Santa Claus neither in Texas, nor in California but mucking around at the Four Corners!  But wouldn't that be better for the daddies and mummies to explain to their kids rather than two apparent Santa Claus flying around?

I mean wasn't that the whole idea?  That young kids would look the pages up and be excited about Santa Claus and Christmas?

Ho, ho and ho!  Merry Christmas to you - NORAD and Google!  Heckuva job guys!

To all the readers, my X’mas wishes are here.

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