by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

The height of hypocrisy in Indians

We, everyone of us, do come across people who seem to be able to give good advice (to others), but are simply blind when they, themselves, face a similar situations.  Everyone of us, at some time or other, could be accused of a similar tendency.  Bluntly spoken, it is called hypocrisy.

A weekend before last, when the occasion demanded a visit to the Doctor, I happened to meet a good ‘associate’, also waiting to consult the doctor for some health issue of his own.

Now that guy is a namesake of a revolutionary.  As an aside, it is amazing to find Stalin, Nehru, Gandhi and others in my home state of Tamil Nadu.  The namesake fantasy includes such persons as Kennedy, Marx, Che Guevera and others.

I personally know of a Marx, a couple of Kennedys, including an Edward Kennedy (who borrowed a handsome amount of Rs. 1500 [~ 45 USD] in 1990 and hasn’t bothered to return it as of date), a Jinnah, couple of Bose (including a ‘Netaji’), a Che Guevera and a Pol Pot.  And most of them are Tamils with absolutely no connection to any of their namesakes - many of them are Hindus and there is no way that a Marx, a Pol Pot or Che Guevera can sound Hindu.

Thankfully there are no Chavez, Ahmadinejad and Gaddafis till now.

To get back to point, my associate, a religious, practising Hindu, for whom the thought of not voting in an election is akin to sedition, was also at the waiting room and absolutely disconsolate.  To find a guy who is always cheerful, outgoing and friendly so down-and-out was a strange.

Now, for a bit of background:

That revolutionary namesake in spite of all his good qualities had one, but one, character flaw.  He became quite good friends with a colleague, a married woman of class and became used to taking her for a ‘stroll’ almost every week.  Suffice to clarify that my knowledge of their ‘friendship’ is limited to their ‘strolls’.
Whatever, it seems that my friend could not accompany the good lady for her weekly ‘stroll’, due to his health but the good lady was upset about the missing stroll.

To get back to point:

He was so disconsolate that superseding my personal rule about not prying anyone at a hospital or doctor’s clinic, I commiserated.  He simply showed the SMS text message from the good lady, which said,
Because of Your cheating, You’ve lost a Good friend”.

And I burst out laughing, “Tell me Che, is this is not the height of hypocrisy?  A married woman who enjoys her ‘strolls’ with you, obviously without her spouse’s indulgence, is accusing you, Che, of ‘cheating’!

And ran away before he threw the mobile at me!

BTW, normally I don’t blog about these peccadilloes which often come across my way.  But this post lays a foundation for more serious issues to be explored further.

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