by a Thinker, Sailor, Blogger, Irreverent Guy from Madras

Egg on Face perferable to Eggs in Food

Some of us seems to have gone completely wonky;  I don’t mean having a slightly ‘different take’ like me and my ilk, but completely, incomprehensibly askew.  Otherwise, as written about earlier, in a country where more than 40% children below age 5 are malnourished, a Chief Minister discounting serving eggs in the Noon Meal Scheme to the school children must termed something worse.

Now, why did he discount serving eggs?  Because eating eggs is anathema to the Jain community, who are vegetarians!

In case you think that the Jains are the dominant community, think again.  They hardly comprise 1% of the population – talk about minority protection.  Next they might go after Milk, since it is also an animal by product!

Meanwhile, reports of rotting food grains keep cropping up (no pun intended), in a godown, of all places.  Rs. 75,000 crores to build stadiums and apartments, but we can’t build food storage bins.

OTOH, seeing the CWG mess, it would be better *not* to build storage bins by the same worthies.
Grow up India, unless these kids have their own pages on Facebook, instead of having to face food on pages, we can never call ourselves developed ! And what is the harm in giving them ‘free food’ Mr. PM and Mr. CM ?

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